Getting started
This guide shows how to make an API request in your sandbox tenant. Before moving to production, you will need to switch to our production app authorization workflow.
Key Terms
Tenant - An instance of Aurora, associated with a customer. Each tenant can have multiple users working on it at the same time. As an app partner, you will be provided with a dedicated tenant for testing your app.
Project - A container for all the information for a given site. In most solar workflows, there is one project per sale, which could have multiple designs inside of it.
Design - A solar design for a project. Includes site modeling, system design, performance simulations, and more. There may be multiple designs for a single project.
Sync API- The Aurora API available to tenants. See the full documentation at
Sandbox - A production-equivalent test environment with no customer data. This environment is designed for you to learn about Aurora and implement your app. Once your app is running in sandbox, Aurora can enable your app in production and start receiving real customer data.
- The URL to your sandbox UI is
- The base API URL (hostname) for your sandbox is
Make a Test API Request
Aurora will provide you with credentials to access a test tenant in the Aurora Sandbox. This will allow you to experience Aurora from the customer’s side and learn what resources you’ll have access to for your integration.
Log in at Aurora will send you an email to set up your credentials.
Create a bearer token to access the Sync API:
- Note: Standard bearer tokens only provides access for your test tenant, and will not work as production authentication.
Create a project in Aurora:
Use the List Projects API to view your project:
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'accept: application/json' --header 'authorization: Bearer {YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE}'
Related Documents
To learn more about how tenants use the Aurora app, visit the Aurora Help Center:
Updated 7 months ago